Crisis Response

"Crisis is never expected but if it happens we are there"

Island Lake People In Wellness Together

We respond to crisis in a culturally relevant manner and empower regional people in communities to be part of the teams

The Crisis Response Team consists of 2 co-leads and trained health professionals who are available to provide appropriate and timely response in a major crisis or to deal with vicarious trauma for front line workers (security/medical drivers/safety officers/first line workers) in response to current crisis or to cumulative affects of trauma over time.

The crisis response teams are closely connected to the wellness program.

The Crisis Response Team

Darren Witzaney
Clinical Wellness Manager
Nelson Manokeesick
Clinical Crisis Team Co-Lead
Lionel Mason
Clinical Crisis Team Co-Lead

leadership and community driven

What is Crisis Response

We respond to crisis in a culturally relevant manner and empower regional people in communities to be part of the teams.

The crisis Response team is typically deployed based on a referral from the Health Director or Leadership.  The Crisis Response Team does not deploy based upon a request from any single individual.

There is a clear difference between crisis response and mobile response. The Crisis response team serve four communities at the request of leadership, wellness workers, health, and includes prevention activities with people from community to develop community’s capacity to take care of their own.


Responsibility of the FARHA Crisis Response team:



Our first priority is responding to a call for debriefing and related support after a crisis in the communities from the Health Director, Chief and Council, Wellness/Prevention Manager or their designate.


Vicarious Trauma

Our other main task or responsibility is to provide crisis relief for vicarious trauma, usually among front-line staff in the various helping programs, including FNSO’s, Securities, and any group of frontline staff that is exposed to stressful and traumatic incidents.


FARHA's Role

FARHA backs up the crisis response team of each community. Each community handles their own crisis and FARHA's crisis response team goes out to support them

What is Vicarious Trauma?

  • Typically front-line workers who are exposed to trauma as a regular part of their everyday work.
  • Here, we can think about security officers at the nursing station, the medical drivers who pick up people for emergencies who are exposed to traumatic situations, the First Nation Safety Officers and even the front line wellness workers who regularly and repeatedly are exposed to traumatic events and they themselves experience vicarious trauma.

It is not so much preventative but more of a maintenance way of bringing these teams together and having them to debrief not because something just happened but because all that has accumulated over time. That can even include nurses and home care nurses because they deal with death as well.

An area we feel is equally important to address is Vicarious Trauma


Things We Want You To Know

While individual support is also given, the Crisis Response team is not a Mobile Crisis Team.  Our service is primarily a service to the communities, and directed to those who work on the front lines, and to those who are directly affected by Critical Incidents in the communities.

Because these students are still residents of the region, they ARE included in our service to the communities.

Usually the Wellness Managers, Health Directors, or Leadership already know and they reach out to someone at Four Arrows directly. 

People can email,

but usually they call or message Andy Wood, Lionel Mason (204) 451-5620, Nelson Manoakeesick (204) 980-0055 or Darren Witzaney (204) 291-4272 directly. 

They can also call Four arrows at (204) 947-2397 (ext. 125) or (866) 653-3441.

How To Contact Us

Usually the Wellness Managers, Health Directors, or Leadership already know and they reach out to someone at Four Arrows directly. 

People can email

Phone: Four arrows at (204) 947-2397 (ext. 125) or (866) 653-3441.

Darren Witzaney

Clinical Wellness Manager

Phone: 204-291-4272


Lionel Mason

Clinical Crisis Team Co-Lead - Winnipeg Office

Phone: (204) 451-5620


Nelson Manokeesick

Clinical Crisis Team Co-Lead - St. Theresa Point

Phone: (204) 980-0055