Harm Reduction

"We are here to help; not judge you"

Island lake people in wellness together

"We don't do individual counselling but community awareness."

“Harm Reduction is a perspective that focuses on reducing the adverse health, social, and economic consequences of psychoactive drug use, and its Principles can be equally applied to other stigmatized and/or criminalized practices and behaviours related to substance use and sex.

Supported by local, national, and international evidence, this Position Statement articulates client-centered, nonjudgmental, and practical applications of harm reduction to issues related to drugs, sex work, and HIV non-disclosure. The Statement recognizes that sex and drug-related harms derive from social and material conditions, such as structural disadvantage, criminalization, and stigma (Rhodes 2002; 2009). It therefore focuses not only on client services, but extends to considering the social and structural factors that create the conditions for harm.”

…Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA)

Sharon Monias, LPN,
Harm Reduction Nurse
Rachel Harper, HCA,
Harm Reduction Worker
Pamphlets in our Four Arrows Office to help spread awareness

This is a very sensitive area.

Harm reduction

We are here to bring awareness; not to stop you from doing what you are doing but reduce harm.

Our Focus

Harm Reduction is a program whose philosophy focuses on reducing the adverse health, social, and economic consequences of psychoactive drug use. The focus is bringing awareness to the community members that harm can be reduced when education and practical tools are given and practiced.

Our objective is also to reduce incidence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) among youth and children in middle years

We Don't Do Individual Counselling but Community Awareness

With the front line workers we try to provide training for them. We did a training on the basics regarding meth. A lot of them don’t know what it does to a person. It leads to psychosis and suicides.

We don’t go to the television stations but we do hold workshops at community centers or at the Health Centers. We just advertise that we are coming in and whoever wants to can come. 

We get very low attendance at these workshops. We want to increase attendance, that’s our main goal.

Who We Partner With

  • Partner with the four communities, schools, wellness programs, Manitoba Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) network, Harm Reduction group, Dr. Issac, Melissa Cook (Methamphetamine) and Elders
  • Each community has Harm Reduction workers-Community Health Representatives (CHRs)

Our Activities

Primary activities include visiting schools in communities to provide educational workshops/presentations/provide promotional material and resources/pamphlets and through networking opportunities with other programs

We attend Health Fairs in Garden Hill and St. Theresa Point because Wasagamack and Red Sucker Lake don’t have health fairs and we will support them in setting one up. When they pick a date and time we will go there and set up our booth at the same time. 

In summer we go to see the students and do a HIV awareness week. December 1 is World HIV Awareness Day. What we encourage is a HIV Awareness walk. They did the walk but didn’t know what HIV was. So, this year we will still have the walk but a week before the walk we will go into the communities to do a HIV awareness presentation.

For one community we went to the community hall and for another we went to the television station and did a presentation on TV. Garden Hill we did it at the Health center and Red Sucker hasn’t had their walk yet.

Principles Of Harm Reduction - (International Harm Reduction Association, 2010)

  • Is client-centered, non-judgmental, and facilitative, rather than coercive.
  • Targets the causes of risks and harms.
  • Is evidence-informed, practical, feasible, effective, safe, and cost effective.
  • Promotes autonomy and dignity.
  • Is transparent, and accountable.
  • It values meaningful engagement and participation of affected communities in the program and
    policy decisions that affect them.
  • Challenges policies and practices that maximize harm. This includes criminalization, discrimination,
    abstinence-only services, and social inequities.

"Expect to see us in your community soon to spread awareness of Harm Reduction"... Sharon Monias, LPN and Rachel Harper, HCA.

Harm Reduction Is Widely Endorsed

Harm reduction is widely endorsed by national and international organizations, including the World Health Organization (2004), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2013), the Public Health Physicians of Canada (2009),
the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC, 2012), and the Canadian Nurses Association, jointly with the Canadian Association of Nurses in HIV/AIDS Care (2012).

Condoms - a tool in Harm Reduction

Sharon monias

Harm Reduction Nurse

Sharon Monias is an aboriginal nurse born and raised in the Island Lake communities of Garden Hill and St Theresa Point. Sharon has been a Licensed Practical Nurse specializing in the field of diabetes and harm reduction for the last 12 years. With her experience, she utilizes her  knowledge of language and culture in her practices that allows her to connect and relate to her clients and communities that she services. Owing to her professionalism, compassionate and calm nature, Sharon is a real asset to the medical field of nursing.

Last but not least, she is a wife to a Chief and a mother to four wonderful grown children who she cherishes and despite her hectic schedule, still manages to juggle her professional life and personal life.  It is these attributes that makes her a valuable asset to her family, communities and to the organization.

How To Contact Sharon Monias

Phone: 204-947-2397 Ext 124

Email:            smonias@fourarrowsrha.org

Sharon Monias, LPN

RAchel Harper

Harm Reduction Worker

Hi. My name is Rachel Harper. 

I’m from Wasagamack First Nation. I’m originally from St Theresa Point First Nation. I have one daughter who is 26 years old. 

I’ve been with Four Arrows Regional Heath Authority Inc since in August 2017. I started off working in Kidney Screening project as Heath Care Aide. For a year, we traveled to Garden Hill First Nation every 2 weeks each month to do the Community Kidney Screening. 

When the project to the end ended. Then I started working to new position to as Harm Reduction Worker on September 2018. I worked with four communities with Island Lake area. St Theresa point, Wasagamack, Garden Hill and Red Sucker Lake. Where we worked with the community members to promote preventions. provide resources or any information as we can provide. 

How To Contact Rachel Harper


Phone: 204-947-2397 Ext. 114

Email:         rharper@fourarrowsrha.org

Rachel Harper, HCA, in her Four Arrows Office

Meet The Team

Sharon Monias. LPN

Harm Reduction Nurse

Phone: 204-947-2397  

Kammie Mahase

Harm Reduction Nurse

Phone: 204-947-2397 


Rachel Harper, HCA

Harm Reduction Worker

Phone: 204-947-2397 


Sandra Harper

Harm Reduction Worker – Red Sucker Lake

Phone: 204-947-2397 


Felix Manoakeesick

Harm Reduction Worker – St. Theresa’s Point

Phone: 204-947-2397 


Darlene Monias

Harm Reduction Worker – Wasagamack

Phone: 204-947-2397 


Rochone Wood

Harm Reduction Worker – Garden Hill

Phone: 204-947-2397 


Kristine Harris

Harm Reduction Worker – MMIWG Regional Coordinator

Phone: 204-947-2397