Research News and Updates

Developing Ethical Guidelines for Health Research

in Island Lake Anisininew Nations

"Building culturally appropriate health systems and structures"

“Island Lake people in Wellness together”

Health research in Island Lake Anishininew Nations must adhere to the universal medical credo “FIRST DO NO HARM”.

Dr. Chukwudumebi Onyiuke coordinates the FARHA Health Research and Data unit. Its mandate is to align health research and data governance with Anisininew priorities for Mamow – Anisininew physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and economic health and wellbeing.

The unit was developed following engagements with the Anisininew community and leaders, First Nations and other Indigenous representatives, legal scholars, health and policy experts, and government stakeholders involved in developing new Indigenous Health Legislation. 

Dr. Onyiuke

A three-pronged approach to Health Research


Respect & Honour

Researchers and their work will respect and honour the meritorious heritage of the past Indigenous health practices.


Safeguard, Protect and Preserve

Research outcomes will safeguard, protect and preserve the present.


Positive, Impactful Legacy

Researchers’ study outcomes should instruct policies and legislation that implement their findings in a way that provides for and leaves a positively impactful legacy of health and wellness for the future.

Anishininew Nations-DRIVEN

Goals &
Guiding Principles

The goal of the unit is to ensure that health research conducted in the Island Lake Anisininew Nations area of Manitoba complements and fortifies the guiding principles of Mamow. Our mission is for health research to act as a tool for the health and wellbeing of the Anisininew – Anisininew Minoayawin Nanandowkendamowin. The outcomes of health research in Island Lake Anisininew Nations must be compliance with the universal medical credo “FIRST DO NO HARM”.

The unit has developed guiding principles recommended for research conducted in the Anisininew Nations region. The goals of health research that impacts Anisininew health and wellbeing and creates positive outcomes include:

  1. Respecting and honouring the merits and heritage of Anisininew knowledge, wisdom, and lived experiences. Re-examining pre-conceived notions about Anisininew medicines, health and research practices which have been passed down through the Elders and Knowledge-Sharers/Keepers, and have proven benefits to the people.
  2. Sensitive and responsive research whose activities scrutinize goals and outcomes through the lens of the social determinants of health for Indigenous populations in Canada.
  3. Preserving and enriching Anisininewuk culture and language, and its intersections with the values and goals for Mamow.
  4. Strengthening and embracing Anisininew data governance, data security, privacy and confidentiality.
  5. Conducting health research where outcomes will safeguard, protect and preserve the Anisininewuk, and direct meaningful Indigenous health policies and legislation which address the factors critical to Mamow.
  6. Collaboration with Anisininew at all levels of health research, and prioritizing research and innovation which is in the best interests of Mamow, and contributes to culturally appropriate health infrastructure, human capacity and structural development.

Anishininew Nations-DRIVEN

Guidelines for Ethical conduct of Health Research in Island Lake Anisininew Nations, Manitoba

Dedicated health research has been mobilized worldwide for the benefit of global public health.

This policy summarises the responsibilities, duties, and expectations for health research in the four Island Lake Anisininew Nations of Manitoba.


Strength Is In Taking Care of Each Other