Facilitator: Melissa Brown, is an Indigenous Dene Midwife.
A Full Spectrum Indigenous Doula is a specially trained support person that provides a high level of culturally rooted informational, emotional, and physical support throughout the life cycle including the perinatal period.
This peer mentorship role differs from the clinical role of a midwife. There are no clinical skills required, though a basic understanding of clinical interventions and the healthcare system in which families receive care are important skills.
Pleased to share the following “2024” Doula graduates;
St Theresa Anishininew Nation – Erin Beardy, Virginia McDougall, Devine McDougall, Geordie McDougall
Garden Hill Anishininew Nation- Olive Harper, Katherine Beardy, Iona Wood, Paula Keno, Kimberly Little, Brian G Beardy
Red Sucker Lake Anishininew Nation – Debra Dan, Lorna McLellon, Kaleen Harper, Willis Harper
Wasagamach Anishininew Nation – Erla McDougall, Pamela Valerie Ranville, Latoya Harper, Corinne Harper, Jake Harper
Urban Winnipeg- Rita Flett, Vivian Omarr, Rachel Harper, Leah Flett