“Helping the Island Lake communities use the gifts of caring, laughter and tears for the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well-being of all.”

Clarence Flett

NAYSPS Worker - St. Theresa Point

Harold Beardy

NAYSPS Worker - Garden Hill

National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy

Creation of a National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (NAYSPS)

In September 2004, Aboriginal leaders, the Prime Minister, and First Ministers met to discuss joint actions to improve Aboriginal health outcomes, and to adopt measures to address the health disparities facing Aboriginal peoples in Canada.

The meeting led to a federal announcement of $700 million in funding for a series of new federal programs. Of this commitment, $65 million over five years (2005-2010) went towards establishing a National Aboriginal Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (NAYSPS) for First Nations living on reserve and Inuit living in Inuit communities.

NAYSPS was developed based on a review of evidence-based suicide prevention approaches and existing prevention strategies, both nationally and internationally. It was also informed by the Advisory Group on Suicide Prevention’s final report, Acting on What We Know: Preventing Youth Suicide in First Nations.

The Strategy incorporates the best available evidence with respect to youth suicide prevention and is focused on finding ways to reduce risk factors and promote protective factors for Aboriginal youth suicide. Inuit-specific NAYSPS activities are guided by a NAYSPS Implementation Guide that was designed by Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami’s (ITK), Health Canada Regional offices, and ITK’s National Inuit Youth Council. First Nations-specific NAYSPS activities are guided by a First Nations-specific Implementation Guide that was designed through collaboration between Health Canada Regions, the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and their First Nations youth council. (Government of Canada)

Purpose of the Position:

The Youth Suicide Prevention Worker is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of a Regional Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy for the four Island Lake First Nations. 


The Youth Suicide Prevention Worker is supervised by and reports to the Wellness Advisor.


  1. Program repsonsibilities
  • Conduct research relevant to the existing suicide intervention and prevention services, including the existing service delivery systems and mandates of the four Island Lake First Nations;
  • Coordinate, promote and engage community representatives through a consultation forum or focus groups for the formation and inclusion in the development of a regional suicide prevention strategy;
  • Create awareness and education on prevention and youth suicide services through an extensive communication strategy, informational workshops and skills training;
  • Undertake research activities related to indicators associated with suicide attempts, and develop an evaluation tool to assist communities in early detection of youth at-risk;
  • Develop culturally proactive community approaches to youth suicide and youth at-risk based on identified best practices;
  • Develop an evaluation tool that will provide measurable outcomes and conduct quarterly reviews;
  • Develop a working relationship with any provincial organizations that deal with suicide prevention and awareness;
  • Attend meetings as requested by the Executive Director;
  • Prepare regular updates and briefings to the Executive Director and the Four Arrows Regional Health Authority Board;
  • Prepare and maintain annual work plan and projected budget;
  • Develop proposals, templates and correspondence as needed to meet program objectives.


  1. Ethical Responsibilities
  • Maintain confidentiality of all staff and client information;
  • Respect and safeguard client rights;
  • Encourage feedback on ways to improve services.

To Contact Clarence Flett - St. Theresa Point

Phone: 204-450-0179


Harold Beardy - Garden Hill

Phone: 1-204-223-1694
